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then and there

  • 1 then

    [ðen] adv այն ժամանակ. հետո, ապա. այ նու հետև. the then president այն ժամանակվա պրեզիդենտը. the then ruling party այն ժա մանակ իշխող կուսակ ցությունը. He was a doctor then Այն ժամա նակ նա բժիշկ էր. from then on, since then այն ժամանակվանից ի վեր. until then մինչև այդ ժամանակ. now and then ժա մա նակ առ ժա մանակ. there and then անմի ջա պես, տեղնու տեղը. And what then? Իսկ հետո ի՞նչ. then he went home Հետո նա տուն գնաց. (զիջում) But then I‘m not an expert Եվ բացի այդ ես մասնագետ չեմ. and then again և բացի դրանից. (այդ դեպքում) all right then դե լավ. well then դե՛ ինչ. then why did you come? Այդ դեպ քում ինչո՞ւ եկար

    English-Armenian dictionary > then

  • 2 There and then

    جلسة منعقدة

    English-Arabic economic glossary > There and then

  • 3 now

    1. adv հիմա, այժմ. just/right now հենց հիմա, անմիջապես. Summer won’t be long now Շուտով ամառ է. every now and then ժամանակ առ ժամանակ, հաճախ. before now ավելի վաղ/շուտ. by now այդ պահին/ժամանակ, հիմա. That’s all for now Առայժմ այսքանը. a month from now այսօրվանից մի ամիս հետո. from now on այս պահից/օրվանից. until /up to now մինչև այժմ. now … now մերթ… մերթ. now here now there մերթ այստեղ, մերթ այնտեղ. (դե) now (then) What’s wrong? Դե՛, ի՞նչ է պատահել. now stop playing the fool Դե, վերջ տուր հիմարություններիդ. come now դե, մի՞թե. now…now, that ’ll do դե, դե, բավական է.
    2. cnj քանի որ. now you are here, why not stay? Քանի որ արդեն այստեղ ես, ինչո՞ւ չմնալ

    English-Armenian dictionary > now

  • 4 Initial master

    "A shared folder whose existing files and folders are replicated to other shared folders when replication is initially configured. After replication is complete, there is no initial master, since any of the replicas can accept changes and propagate them to the other replicas. The initial master then becomes another replica."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Initial master

  • 5 triangulation currency

    "A currency that can be used to convert between two other currencies for which there is no direct exchange rate table available. The triangulation currency must have available exchange rates with both of the currencies to be converted. The first currency can be converted into the common (triangulation) currency, and then the common currency can be converted into the second currency."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > triangulation currency

  • 6 sensor

    "Any hardware or software that can detect events or environmental changes, such as your current location or the amount of light around your computer. For example, a notebook with a location sensor, such as a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, can determine your exact location. An ambient light sensor can detect when there is a change in lighting, and then a program can use that information to adjust the brightness of your screen."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > sensor

См. также в других словарях:

  • then and there — {adv. phr.} At that very time and place in the past; right then. * /He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him./ Compare: IN ONE S TRACKS, ON THE SPOT, HERE AND NOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • then and there — {adv. phr.} At that very time and place in the past; right then. * /He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him./ Compare: IN ONE S TRACKS, ON THE SPOT, HERE AND NOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • then and there — adverb Date: 15th century on the spot ; immediately < wanted the money right then and there > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Here and there — There There, adv. [OE. ther, AS. [eth][=ae]r; akin to D. daar, G. da, OHG. d[=a]r, Sw. & Dan. der, Icel. & Goth. [thorn]ar, Skr. tarhi then, and E. that. [root]184. See {That}, pron.] 1. In or at that place. [They] there left me and my man, both… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • here and there — {adv. phr.} 1. In one place and then in another. * /I looked here and there for my pen, but I didn t look everywhere./ * /Here and there in the yard little yellow flowers had sprung up./ 2. In various directions. * /We went here and there looking …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • here and there — {adv. phr.} 1. In one place and then in another. * /I looked here and there for my pen, but I didn t look everywhere./ * /Here and there in the yard little yellow flowers had sprung up./ 2. In various directions. * /We went here and there looking …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Now and Then, Here and There — Promotional image for Now and Then, Here and There depicting Shu and Lala Ru 今、そこに いる僕 (Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku) …   Wikipedia

  • The Return / Then and Now (album) — Infobox Album Name = The Return Type = Album Artist = Vanilla Fudge |200.px Released = 2002 Recorded = Genre = Psychedelic rock Length = Label = WorldSound Records Producer = Carmine Appice Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|3.5|5… …   Wikipedia

  • there — See: ALL THERE, HERE AND THERE, NEITHER HERE NOR THERE, THEN AND THERE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • there — See: ALL THERE, HERE AND THERE, NEITHER HERE NOR THERE, THEN AND THERE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • There Will Be Blood — Theatrical release poster Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson Produced by …   Wikipedia

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